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Posted Comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mandy Chik - "Everthing is Amazing and Nobody's Happy"
Cassandra Fidelino - "Excuse Me While I Answer My Phone..."
Rosemary Ku - "Gaming Gone Wild"
Julius Lacuna - "Colossal U Ad Campaign"
Remylou-Jayne - "The Campaign Trail"
Hannah Lee - "- EccentricK -"

EccentricK ! Art Show!
Thursday, June 4, 2009

This year's art show was actually my first time going to Mary Ward's art show and I must say I was surprised on how talented the students of Mary Ward can be. How unfortunate, that I only visited the art show on the last day. I wasn't able to take a look at every single corner of the basement.

To be honest, every art piece showcased in the art show was very interesting and ee captivating, from the movies and videos, to media arts, to design, and fashion. M favourite moment of the art show was when I had the chance to jam with performers. I enjoyed singing and playing the guitar with them. In a way, I got to showcase my talents too. I wish to perform in the next art show as well.

My favourite art piece was basically everything. Each one of them had a unique touch from a Mary Ward student. The most amazing thing is how we all come from our differences and able to connect through our talents in arts, music, and dance. In side the art show it seems we are all as one, we can express ourselves openly without other people judging our work.


Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a restaurant, having dinner with your partner then all of a sudden a loud ringtone rings and by chance it happened to be your date. Unfortuantely, they had to answer the phone. The sat there for several minutes totall ignoring your presence how they are still in a date. How would you feel?

In this scenario, politeness and manners should have been applied in the following situations:

- Loud phone ringtone
- Answering the phone
- Sitting there and talking
- Not saying "sorry" or "excuse me"
- Ignoring the person

The total opposite should have happened
-Phone is not set on a loud ringtone (Vibrate or silent is recommended)
-Should not have answered the phone for it is rude
-OR could answer the phone but ask to be excuse and say sorry.
-Recognize the person is still there waiting for you
-Get up and walk out for a while.

As the phone gradually cling onto our lives and become part of our dail lives, we seem to forget our manners needs to be applied even through technological communication. Our manners is gradually disappearing from our actions and even through our mouths. As human being we should still maintain presenting our manners to other people whether in reality or virtually. We should remain respectful, kind, and polite at all times.

Phones are great but not until you have offeded someone without knowing. Manners shoul be applied when talking through the phone because we are still talking to human beings and not animals. We should be considerate of the people around us and prevent from offending them. People use phones during inappropriate times because they think that because they are not talking in person manners should not be applied. It is easier to talk to a person in reality with manners because ou are aware of what he will think of you. However, it is harder to talk to a person throught the phone because you are not presently with them.

Along with everthing, phones should come with standard rules to show manners. These rules have been touched on earlier.

1. Respect the people around you when you are talking on the phone - talking on the phone does not mean you can be loud or obnoxious. People are around you and they will be bothered by you talking on the phone. Whisper through the phone, act inconspicously, say 'excuse me' or 'sorry' to the people around you.

2. Don't talk while driving - this is very important it is both a safety issue and a polite act. Talking on the phone while driving is a recipe for disaster, people cannot do two things at the same time. One must be focus at driving because it concerns more people around them. If an accident occurs and the driver was talking on the phone he or she would be blamed on.

3. When talking on the phone around a group of people kindly leave - it seems rude when you are around a group of people engaging in a conversation when suddenly someone is talking on the phone at the same time with the group. Say 'excuse me'.

4. Don't talk on the phone during inappropriate places (ie. Church, Hospitals) - it is inappropriate to talk on the phone in these areas for it is disrespecting the comfort of other people.

5. Use proper language when talking on the phone - do not use inappropriate language or derogator terms.

In conclusion, we should all come to realize that even when we are talking on the phone we still need to show manners.

It's NEW I want it! OH It's OLD now, no thanks..

WOW! First of all, I am astounded by Louis C.K.'s sense of humour. I can't imagine how in reality, this is actually very relevant.

The evolution of technology has been a great and growing aspect in our lives. It seems as we have evolved from old school technology to new hightech technology within a few decades. Humans, are blessed by the abundant technology we possess in the palm of our hands. Technology is everwhere, in washrooms, building, and even airplanes. But the question is, how do we react to the evolution of technology? C.K. Louis was able to convey his point loud and clear: "Everything is amazing and nobody's happy". Why isn't anyone happy? Technology has eased our daily lives. We finally have cellphones as big as our hands can hold instead of those brick size cellphones, we have portable computer that we can bring anywhere we please, we have a device that contains everysingle application needed the iPhone. Why aren't we still happy? A good question asked.

There is only two words that can answer such a good question, satisfaction and contentment. As technology advances almost everyday, it seems as if the old one isn't just right for us because the new one is better, bigger, and simply much more hightech leaving the "so yesterday" item worthless and unappealing. Everyone just has to have the newest item on the rack. My mom told me something I will always remember, "people aren't happy because they are not content and satisfied with what they have, they always want to get the newest one and be 'in' and it will continue because the new technology they just bought wil be out of date soon." Even though we are blessed with technology we cannot fulfill that peak of happiness without contentment and satisfaction. People by nature are selfish and will always want to get have the new thing. In order, to be happy we must be satisfied with what we've got because people in the other side of the country do not even though what an MP3 is. We are blessed.

Technology in my life is very important but not to an extent were I always have to have the newest technology. Technology is enables me to have an education, a life, and simple entertainment. My days revolves around technology for without it I will not be able to function. School involves technology for without it I cannot finish this Blog unit. Technology has enabled me to talk to family and friends all over the world in a matter of seconds and keeping in touch with these people faster is very important for me. I can't live without computer, telephones, and almost everthing else because as I said my life needs technolog. However, I do not always have to update my self with the newest technology, I try to be content though it is hard by nature. For example, I really want a new laptop because my present one is out of date (IBM Thinkpad T23) and soon it will have to retire, but I have to learn contentment and be satisfied that I am able to go to school with a laptop and finish work with it, people in other parts of the world are not blessed with such technology.

In conclusion, people are not happy because they need to learn to be content and satisfied. Technology is fast and evolving but that doesn't mean we have to be mad for the things technology does not do for us but instead appreciate and acknowledge that we have these things. We should not take technolog for granted.

Addicted Gamer!

Gaming, the spice of life, the entertainment everyone needs, and all the fun. With the turn of the generation, it is evident to say that gaming has increase and developed through the years. From simple, nintendo64, sega, and dreamcast to PS3, XBOX 360, and Nintendo Wii. The question that most adults would ask is "What is so captivating within these gaming systems that attracts the eyes of our youth?" Well, it's fun, addicting, and add fun in our boring lifes.

I, as a youth, personally play video games but not to an extent playing everday, once a day, or even during the school. As a result, I still remember my mom's name. I play video games occassionally, during the summer or when I have a school break because it is my only resort or my only way to have fun and kill time. Being a Mary Ward student, I find no time spending my time playing video games because I believe I can use that time wisely to work on units and even fast track. I would rather go outside in the sun and use my time engaging in sports and other extra curricular activities.I am only interested in one kind of videogame, which is still related to sports and my favourite past time, basketball. The only time I play videogames is when a new game of NBA Live comes out, but as soon as it is old and update I abandon my video game past time.

I believe that youths are so addicted to playing videogames because of frustration-aggression. Frustration-aggression is a pschological term that defines a person who works really hard because of frustration in order to get what they want or have a sense of achievement. If gamer (term use to call people who plays video games), loses a level or round, mentally they will be determined and work harder to achieve that level and keep building up to be the best. Most videogames such as tetris, Mario Brothers, and Rock Band are score and level based, meaning you score points to see how good you are, the youths mental state is to be the best within those games. Thus, a gamer will be addicted to work hard and reach the peak and be the best he or she can be. The irony is the same mental state, in some case, is not applied in our studies and homework. We do not exert out aggression onto our studies but rather exert all our time and energ into videogames.

Enough is enough, when the person's life completely revolves around the video game and portray it in real life. For example, I saw this CSI show that conveys the message how people can get addicted to videogames and converts it into real life. The suspects of the show portraed the video game they played which is violent game involving guns and robbery. The suspects actuall played the game in real life resulting in deaths. Enough is enough, when the person is completely isolated from life and refuse to seek friends. They would rather drown themselves in front of the screen in a virtual world rather than live in reality. However, everythin comes in moderation, video games provides us with entertainment but when that use for the harm of society it should cease immediately.

In conclusion, youths are so addicted to gaming because of their urge to be the best in the game, resulting in all their time wasted on video games. Hence, the fact gaming tournaments are created to depict who the best is in videogames and what better way to be the best by practicing everyday. Everything comes in moderation, it is not a sin to pla video games.

Change that is True!
Sunday, February 22, 2009

From 1999 to 2000 the “Whassup?” commercial campaign was aired to advertise Anheuser-Busch Budweiser beer during Monday Night Football. The commercial were based on a short film, entitled “true”, written and directed by Charles Stone III. The commercial featured five men seemingly enjoying their life and relaxing. The characters sat around talking on the phone saying “Whassup!” while drinking beer. The commercial elaborates the American life, stating that they have no problems to worry about. This is also called satire.

Later on, parodies of the commercial began to spread around the internet. The Simpsons, Teletubbies, and South Park all made their own version of the parody. The message of the commercial is to tell the people how the American life is so relaxed.

However, in 2008 a present version of the “wassup” commercial was clearly created to endorse Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and the opposite message was sent to the people of America. The message conveys, that within eight years the American life has evolved and has change into something totally different from a relax life. Many issues and crisis were brought to attention in this ad they include: loss of homes, unemployment, the war in Iraq, healthcare, bankruptcy, and natural disasters. Eight years ago, the “wassup” boys did not have to worry about these issues and lived happy lives. Now, President Obama brought to attention these issues and his promises change, hence the fact that the new commercial is called “Change.”

This advertisement was genius and attractive. It was so witty. In my opinion, politicians are lacking the ability to promote themselves rather they put down other candidates. For example, in 2008 Canadian federal election a commercial criticized Stéphane Dion, attempting to convince voters that he and the Liberal shouldn’t be voted for. Campaigns should focus on the leader of the group and promote him or her rather than put down other candidates. It is a sign that you are showing respect to the other competitors.

A good president should be able to relate and humble himself down to the citizens of the country. Through this commercial, President Barack Obama was aware of the issues and crisis that is going on in America – nonetheless the world. He is conveying that he is able to make change and will make America a better place after all the changes.

The 2008 “wassup” commercial is very easy to relate, every person is experiencing these issues and crisis because we are all interconnected. I think that this message, though comedic, was able to articulate the message appropriately and effectively because everyone could relate to it. Barack Obama was able to convey his message that he will be the change for America. The fact that he knows and is aware of these issues helped increase the commercial’s meaning.